OnTheGo Electrolyte Wildberry Effervescent Tablet Box (8x20 Tablets)
OnTheGo Electrolyte Wildberry Effervescent Tablet Box (8x20 Tablets)
Mixing OnTheGo Wildberry Electrolyte Effervescent Tablet with 500ml of water helps compensate for electrolyte loss during exercise and restore the minerals and vitamins your body needs. It is an ideal option to support a healthy lifestyle and maintain your energy during activity. OnTheGo Electrolyte Wildberry Effervescent Tablet provides the balanced nutritional support your body needs while increasing your physical performance.
Ingredients: Acidity Regulator, (Citric Acid), Vitamin and Mineral Mixture (Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Carbonate, Calcium Carbonate, Potassium Chloride, Tricalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Carbonate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Thiamine Hydrochloride, Cyanocobalamin), Volume Enhancer (Sorbitol) , Forest Fruit Flavoring (8%), Emulsifiers (Polyethylene Glycol, Polyvinylpyrrolidone), Sweetener (Sucralose), Green Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis), L-leucine, Colorant (Beet Root Red).
Allergens: Produced in facilities that process milk, soy, celery, gluten-containing grains and mustard. Trace amounts of contamination may occur.
To get more information about minerals and their bioavailability, you can read our relevant blog post.
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Kullanım Şekli
Kullanım Şekli
Bir tabletini 500ml su ile karıştırarak antrenman esnasında kullanabilirsiniz.
Asitlik Düzenleyici, (Sitrik Asit), Vitamin ve Mineral Karışımı (Sodyum Bikarbonat, Sodyum Klorür, Sodyum Karbonat, Kalsiyum Karbonat, Potasyum Klorür, Trikalsiyum Fosfat, Magnezyum Karbonat, Pridoksin Hidroklorür, Tiamin Hidroklorür, Siyanokobalamin), Hacim Artırıcı (Sorbitol), Orman Meyveleri Aroma Vericisi (%8), Emülgatörler (Polietilen Glikol, Polivinilpirolidon), Tatlandırıcı (Sukraloz), Yeşil Çay Ekstresi (Camellia sinensis), L-lösin, Renklendirici (Pancar Kökü Kırmızısı).
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