WUP Hydractive Apple Effervescent Tablet Box (10x20 Tablets)
WUP Hydractive Apple Effervescent Tablet Box (10x20 Tablets)
The leucine contained in WUP Hydractive Apple Effervescent Tablet contributes to maintaining your energy levels, while also stabilizing glucose levels in the bloodstream. The role of leucine in muscle repair and new muscle development helps reduce muscle pain that may be experienced during training, thus providing a more efficient recovery process.
WUP Hydractive Apple Effervescent Tablet can be consumed by easily mixing it with 500 ml of water. It serves as an ideal source of hydration and energy before, during or after training, thus helping you take your sports performance to higher levels.
Ingredients: Citric Acid (E 330), Sodium Bicarbonate, Magnesium Citrate, Sorbitol (E 420), Potassium Citrate, Polyethylene Glycol (E1521), Calcium Lactate, Leucine, L-Ascorbic Acid, Polyvinylprolidine, Apple (1.39), Flavouring, Colourant: Copper Chlorophyll, Sweetener: Sucralose
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Kullanım Şekli
Kullanım Şekli
WUP Hydractive Elmalı Efervesan Tablet, 500 ml su ile kolaylıkla karıştırılarak tüketilebilir. Antrenman öncesi, sırası veya sonrasında ideal bir hidrasyon kaynağı olarak hizmet eder, böylece spor performansınızı üst seviyelere taşımanıza yardımcı olur.
Sitrik Asit (E 330), Sodyum Bikarbonat, Magnezyum Sitrat, Sorbitol (E 420), Potasyum Sitrat, Polietilen Glikol (E1521), Kalsiyum Laktat, Lösin, L-Askorbik Asit, Polivinilprolidin, Elma (%1,39), Aroma Verici, Renklendirici: Bakır Klorofil, Tatlandırıcı: Sukraloz
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