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WUP Upgrade Apple Effervescent Powder Box (15 Pieces)

WUP Upgrade Apple Effervescent Powder Box (15 Pieces)

Regular price 320.00TL
Regular price 320.00TL Sale price 320.00TL
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WUP Upgrade Apple is a sports drink that accelerates recovery after training and contains 5g BCAA, 1g glutamine precursors, 500mg potassium, 350mg sodium, 200mg magnesium, 51mg calcium and 80mg vitamin C in each bottle. The minerals of WUP Upgrade Apple help your body quickly regain the minerals it needs by providing high bioavailability. WUP Upgrade Apple, which supports muscle repair with its BCAA and glutamine content, can be consumed by easily mixing it with 500ml of water after training, thanks to its practical chassis form, making it an ideal choice for athletes.

Ingredients: BCAA (Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine), Acidity Regulator (Citric Acid), Potassium Citrate (Potassium), Sodium Bicarbonate (Sodium), Magnesium Citrate (Magnesium), Maltodextrin, L-Glutamine, Dextrose, Calcium Lactate (Calcium) , Apple (1.8%), L-ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Colorant: Copper Chlorophyll, Sweetener: Sucralose

You can read our related blog post to get more information about the importance of healing and recovery in endurance sports.

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Kullanım Şekli

1 saşeyi 500 ml su ile karıştırarak antrenmanlarınızdan sonra alabilirsiniz. WUP Upgrade Elmalı Toz Efervesan ile antrenman sonrası toparlanmanızı hızlandırın ve kas gelişiminizi maksimize edin.


BCAA (Lösin, İsolösin, Valin), Asitlik Düzenleyici (Sitrik Asit), Potasyum Sitrat (Potasyum), Sodyum Bikarbonat, (Sodyum), Magnezyum Sitrat (Magnezyum), Maltodekstrin, L-Glutamin, Dekstroz, Kalsiyum Laktat (Kalsiyum), Elma (%1,8), L-askorbik Asit (C Vitamini), Renklendirici: Bakır Klorofil, Tatlandırıcı: Sukraloz

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